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  1. You Have been disconnected from the server

    I understand, but even without exit lag i get the same error: you have been disconnected from the server, therefore it isnt a problem with exit lag or my internet since it works fine sometimes and sometimes no
  2. You Have been disconnected from the server

    Hello, yes only with exit lag but i was able to connect normally on last 3 days and all nice but now when i try login with exit lag on germany 1 i get error you have been discconected with two prompts: ok / reconnect, but without vpn i can login and play but not always, here is a screenshot when i used exit lag and it happened
  3. You Have been disconnected from the server

    @TheAlmightyi have tried @Twinsb method and now i can login the server, and i stay online max 20 minutes, i test ping and i have like usual 60-65 but every 1 minute it spikes up randomly to 3000-5000, and after this i just get disconnect from serv, i hope this information can help you find the problem, thank you for your time
  4. You Have been disconnected from the server

    @allmighty im in jordan, and i have 2gb speed fiber connection, on normal occasions i have 60-63 ping with exit lag @Twinsb thank you i will try this also onalsom home
  5. You Have been disconnected from the server

    hello, i tried this also and it didnt work, i clean resetted my pc and now i can login sometimes and sometimes no , but the ping is unstable and it spikes alot when i loginThis happens on login screen when i put account info, i cant enter the game hello, i tried this also and it didnt work, i clean resetted my pc and now i can login sometimes and sometimes no , but the ping is unstable and it spikes alot up to 150-170 when i login i use exit lag
  6. You Have been disconnected from the server

    can someone pls help?
  7. Hey everytime i try logging to server i get the error messege " you have been disconnected from the server" or "Cannot connect to authorization server" i tried this with 3 different vpns and without a vpn i also tried restarting router restarting pc and delte and redownload game still same issue, this problem started yesterday but before that everything worked all nice, what should i do? This happens on login screen when i put account info, i cant enter the game
  8. Discord Unban

    Hey is it possible to unban? Im really sorry
  9. Discord Unban

    I genuinly dont remember, it happened 5 years ago but if i did. im sorry too
  10. Discord Unban

    Hello lovely admins, im just gonna get straight to the point, 5 years ago i wrote "kebabs are sexual" on the discord server and got perma banned, im sorry can you remove it pls? Discord: talisman4062
  11. Twitch unban

    Hello, thank you for your time, i have sent you a messege .
  12. Twitch unban

  13. Twitch unban

    believe me i understand your point of view, but i genuinely did nothing wrong. i love playing on this server and love making videos on you tube about playing on it, i always get questions about which serv is this and i always provide links and stuff, cant you reconsider this at least?
  14. Twitch unban

    Hello admins, two years ago i was banned from streaming rewards, at start i did not know why my stats were unusual and i was banned when i sent them, i later found out that someone was botting my channel, at the time i was very active posting on youtube about euroaion and getting many views and putting my twitch tag and thought this was the reason, but later found out it was because some hater was botting me, what can i do to get unbanned? Thank you for your time