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2 Neutral
  1. Aion Classic

    the one that is very popular now? all classic aion servers are dead
  2. Character Twistt

    i see more of a skill and rotation issue more than anything else. i have a bard and i manage to pull more dmg than sorc usually. regarding MP charger issue. well you choosed a class that have that skill as support skill. specially instances like hyperion where he takes MP from you, you just have to accept the fact that you are an MP charger. sorc can be OP but if you dont know how to use it then everybody will kill you. when i pvp vs sorc, people who have mastered that class kills me before i am able to even touch them.
  3. Add equalized PvP in a new arena

    Completly fail arena, imagine if you take the possibility for physical class to wear MS set then this will an arena made for magic class. giving the chance to new players to participate in PVP is ridiculous any game firts you must improve your pve to get the gear for PVP. negative vote from my side
  4. Yep, definitelly that is why im crying on a post to cut GP from bastion and KATA,
  5. What are your prefered Dual Wields ?

    Dagger / sword or dagger / mace is not the most optimal for glad. Best is Mace (main hand) / sword (off hand), dont forget that Mace has 3 strikes and sword has 2 strike, so while having dagger sword will increase your attack speed, at the end the lost of atk speed with mace is compensated by having a 3 strike weapon, also adding the value of magic boost compensate to use a 10% yellow Godstone, your DPS will be way higher than dagger / sword.
  6. La gente es una maleducada

    The most funny part of you saying that i wrotte from several characters is that, i have more screenshots of you that while blocking you, you create another character to keep spamming me xD.
  7. Weapon with fuse

    He refers if for example, i have a discordant weapont with a weapon fuse into it.
  8. La gente es una maleducada

    He was blocked after this, not the firts time this guy is joining random queue, and the cry, explote and insult the people who stay AFK. i mean even the people in that group said to him to create his own group so nobody afk. And his answer and quote in english "Is not going out of my dick, clown" But he is coming to report players for insulting while the only one insulting is him... this guy is funny