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TxT last won the day on October 15 2024

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  1. Accounts selling

    #1 its against the rules from what I understand even in this server (not that admins care too much sadly) #2 unfair advantage if you can get end game uber geared chars with wallet instantly #3 the one buying chars, very often will buy kinah too - ruining game economy #4 all sorts of hackers lurking behind those "geared" chars
  2. Accounts selling

    I'm asking what administration doing now to battle against accounts sellers, not whats been discussed sometime in the past. You might discussed something before, did it worked? How situation changed if 300+ accounts on sale? @TheAlmighty since you said this: I'm just trying to understand... So thread in this forum or messages in the game to "share" accounts would be legal according to you?
  3. Accounts selling

    describe me direct evidence in this case please? What is proactively being done by server administration to ban accounts which currently is on sale and will be sold at some point? I just checked one of those sites and see 323 accounts from EuroAion on sale (not even talking about kinah, hacks and etc sales there).
  4. Accounts selling

    I'm not sure if email changes allowed here, but if someone does this its 99% for sure selling account. In combination name change + email change = 100% sold account.
  5. Accounts selling

    what about email changes? How someone supposed to identify and report things like that? I'm looking into one of those pages where accounts sold - there is 307 accounts on sale from EuroAion, some of it of really high level gear (+5 acc). Other suggestion I would have - by default open everyone's details. That actually would be good proof against some gearless hackers doing weird things.
  6. I just wanted to ask admins if someone on this server is looking into database data and see how many account and when changed names? Not my thing to accuse anyone, but when I see gunners with names "Nxsnvmsad" from fake legion "lowlowlowlowlowlowlowlowlowlow", I wonder what a chance that he just bought account and might be using hacks on top of that? There is multiple examples of gladiators like that, even very high ranked character suddenly change name (everyone knows that this is other person), but admins appears to be completely unaware for some reason. Do you track and ban these accounts or no one cares because name changing tickets brings some money from shop? Can you provide whats being done for this issue? Thanks