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Everything posted by Goren

  1. no animations

    Hello, I just changed to a new laptop with good specs. Had trouble to start the game but after doing many things like downloading directx from here , other drivers , using eazy toolz to only use 8 cores , saying microsoft to run the game with windows 8 artificially , finnally the game started . In Game everything is fine , good ping around 30ms and high fps always capped around 60FPS . But I see no animations. No Skills, only movement . NPC dont have questions marks over them, I dont see level Up glow effekt. All Glow Effekts are gone.
  2. Drop chance

    Hello, first of all thanks for tiamaranta eye event . It really helps to provoke people to go into eye and that’s where I loved playing the game . i have a question about loot chances . At weekend with 100% lootbuff , do I get 200% of I buy the premium lootbuff increase ? and what about the chests in tiamaranta eye , do they have more relics when I open them with lootbuff ? So , does lootbuff change the chances for key chests also ?
  3. Drop chance

    Ok thanks for making it clear for me . and does it apply on treasures ? Like opening treasure in tiamaranta eye with blue key . do I get more relics or loot increase only apply on monsters ?
  4. Good day Deavas, I like to ask if its possible to give the player a chance to exchange Event Wings into their own specific . i tried on this event so much, bought over 200 Event Boxes each 20kk but in the End got 2x Magical Wings. Its ok that its random but why isnt it class specific ? If i open a Event Box for Extend, it wont open a orb so why should physic class get random magic Wings and otherwise. In the pic I showed how it could implement into the Game just like silvernerk AG coupon wings exchange. Its hard enough anyways nowadays to get Wings. When after 200+ you get 2 Wings its like 1% Chance or even less and then having random the wrong one is really tough. Is it possible ? greetings
  5. server problem ?

    hello, I keep getting disconnect when i try to log in . Is the server down ? but homepage says 1000 people online so I dont know.
  6. Hello, returned from years on official. I am playing gladiator and soon lv 65 . I plan on being fast pvp ready and pve anyways. Looking for active big legion. Preferably many germans but english is also ok.
  7. no animations

    Oh , I just came back from being outside at this good weather and now starting the game , I again have no animations in Game ... no glow , no level up animations, no skill animations. I have no clue why it worked once and now not anymore. I try now deleting Effects , Textures , systemoptionsgraphics , system. deleted those folder in my aion data and now checking and redownloading again. hopefully thats enough. Deleted also the text folder systemoptionsgraphics which i changed a little bit. If it works now , then my client is again just like the homepage wants it.
  8. no animations

    Hello. here is a picture . I opened that folder and the yellow marked was zero. Actually im not 100% sure if it was those , I changed around 3 things from 0 to 1 in that area . Maybe it wasnt even the reason why it works now , but I tried maybe 8 times at launcher checking my euroaion folder and always it downloaded again 1gb and started the game with no animation. One time I tried deleting the whole folder and downloaded again the 44GB but it was still there.
  9. no animations

    I solved it. Changed some zeros in the system.config data to 1 . I hope thats allowed