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Posts posted by Majinbuu

  1. On 19-6-2024 at 4:50 AM, EtoJeSuperSonic said:

    Only this esteemed whiner forgot to mention that because of the actions of these 3 imbeciles playing by their own rules, while the rest of the alliance is doing what they are told, there was a fail eb. So I consider the actions and statements of the leader justified and unpunished.

    waaw look at you, such a nice person we got over here !

  2. Hi,

    Doing EB, as usual, killing cannons with 3 others, and suddenly the leader, named Gadokayku, starts flaming 'you stupid fuckers, run for the mark'
    1 min later, i had to reset mobs, so i couldnt follow his demands, he flamed again, and kicked me along with 4 or 5 others





    idk what he replied in russian but i dont think it's any good

    there was no reason to flame like that, the run was going good

    i litterally hate ppl like that, it's just a game, don't make it personal like that

    i hope toxicity like this gets punished

