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  1. Padmarashka lvl 65

    Hello, I would like to suggest the addition of a difficult mode for the Padmarashka instance, with level 65 monsters and exclusive rewards.
  2. Blue quest markers

    Completely agree, it would be wonderful to see all the available missions on any map regardless of your level
  3. I suggest adding an additional reward for successfully completing Dragons Lord Refuge, the instance has been forgotten and is rarely done, which is a shame given how entertaining it is. This additional reward could give players a reason to challenge Tiamat again like they did way back when. Considering the difficulty of the instance and how well prepared you need to be to make a successful run, and again mentioning that the instance has been forgotten over time, adding a reward that makes the effort worthwhile would be a nice addition to the server. As an example of a reward to add to the instance I would like to suggest these wings Tiamat's Glimmering Wings
  4. I'd like to suggest adding an additional reward to all existing legendary bosses in order to make them more attractive to new and returning players. For example: -Crystalline Ativas -Golden Tartarus -Kradi the Glutton -Omega -Ragnarok -Watcher Zapiel -Deputy Hanuman -Chief Saendukal -All forgotten bosses in Tia Eye. -Debarim the Omnipotent -Etc My idea is to add a reward similar to the one from the Sieges of Tiamaranta to all these bosses (and many others throughout Atreia) obtainable by the entire group/alliance that eliminates the boss in question. I think this additional reward could give all players a compelling reason to form groups and alliances to defeat these bosses that often last months without being defeated.
  5. Golden Tatar Shield Hi, there is a possibility that these items will be added as part of the Golden Tatar Boss loot?. These objexts exist but are not obtainable by the boss, their appearance is very atractive. Tatar's Flawless Shield Tatar's Flawless Scale Shield Please consider adding them to the boss l.
  6. [Event] Beritra Treasures

    Please just return the event to its former glory with chests scattered throughout Danaria