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  1. Report elys sin Gallas

    加拉斯是个骗子,与我打得有多糟糕没有直接关系。 如果你认为我生气是因为他打我,那你就太天真了 作弊者可以控制自己是否作弊,难道你不明白这个吗? 他知道如果他在决斗中使用作弊手段,他就会被曝光 你提到的这些球员,他们没有为加拉斯发声。 他们的观点可能是加拉斯先生是个骗子
  2. Report elys sin Gallas

    这与你无关。没有人在乎你的想法。 作为加拉斯的搭档,如果你真的相信他不是骗子,那么你就不需要在这里为他辩护。 事实是,你在没有任何证据的情况下说了很多话,就像父母为犯错的孩子辩护一样 加拉斯是骗子,不是个人意见,而是我们团队的集体意见。 我们也没有利用我们的数字来制造舆论, 我不知道有谁有同样的感觉,但似乎很多玩家和我们有同样的看法
  3. Report elys sin Gallas

    If he's not a cheater, he doesn't need you here to defend him。 If you're just Internet friends, I suggest you withhold your opinion and wait for the truth
  4. Report elys sin Gallas

    I respect and love every pvp player ,And I hate cheaters. That's why I made the video。 Records show that from 2022 to the present, gallas was suspected of using a cheat device several times。 gallas looked for a helper in the group battle later, when there were a large number of people, the cheater was turned off, and the attack speed was obviously not as good as that of the video. Unfortunately, I turned off the camera at that time。 I will turn on the VCR for every encounter in the future,Compare, and the truth will be in everyone's mind。 Nuenda and Avenoir I don't know about your relationship with him,But when it comes to alliances, it's best to know who you're dealing with, right。 gallas and another player form an alliance,Help each other kill each other's people 。 This is the reason for our hostility, He sees it as his private farm. Do you support him this way because you take his money, or are just deceived by his words。 Like I said at the beginning,I respect and love every pvp player ,And I hate cheaters. You know he's a cheater and you're still in league with him and deserve the same punishment