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Everything posted by Norageplz

  1. Udas does not reset 5X

    hi, unfortunately no
  2. Udas does not reset 5X

    Hi , as you can see in the photo, I waited until 9:00 a.m. for the server to do Udas, I did them once and it didn't reset the other 4 why?
  3. hi, I have a problem in the instance (temple of fire) as soon as I reach the boss kromede the games crash, only when I reach this boss is there a solution?
  4. temple of fire crash boss kromede

    hi, yes the send log window is displayed each time
  5. [Guide] Gear switch macro for 4.6

    to use 3rd party software, modify game client to gget advantages in the game in not-gaming way (Shugo console, synapse, WTFast and similar are allowed). AHK is not allowed. Punishment: permanent ban of all player’s accounts and of all those giving him/her their accounts in terms of their possible engagement;
  6. [Guide] Gear switch macro for 4.6

    this allows you to change gear, even if it is identical, just like the 2 weapons, left and right hand
  7. non-tradable skin

    item well received by the admin thank you
  8. non-tradable skin

    hello I bought a skin thinking it was exchangeable when in fact it wasn't, could I have it on my correct character please [item: 102150079]
  9. non-tradable skin

    Today 05/04/2024 20h32
  10. non-tradable skin

    [item: 102150079] pseudo: Zynogre thx
  11. Shop items

    Good morning , possible to have this skin? [item: 102101110]
  12. mount

    thank you very much for your speed
  13. mount

    when buying a kinah mount in ecoins the person is deceiving, he sent me ( Undead Sabertooth ) instead of ( Black Kirrus Yin ) is it possible to change it please?
  14. mount

    Pseudo : Norageplz desired mount [item: 190100820]
  15. mount

    the mount was purchased on March 14, is it good?