We all know that there are traders and perma pass people for arena of glory, discipline and other ones and we all know that most of them use pass system to avoid pvp and make a 1v1 with their own alts.
I don't know if some other threads are discussed about it, the idea is not related to remove the gp of arena because we all know that people avoid to do arena and this reduce the game experience of the server.
Now, the solution that i propose (and I have sourcebase of Aion, so i can say that Yes, this update is possible and it is really simple) is to consume the ticket if pass button is clicked. People need to be aware of their actions and the problem that on euuroaion there are only 1 server is the consequences of arena trading.
If some of you are against this idea, i suppose you are a pve hero that avoid pvp, so this suggest is to support pvp players who loves the game (not the server, remember that).
Thank you