I give you an answer and tell you that for everything there are pros and cons and I will make sure that you understand why. First imagine that the patch is implemented in 4.6 and that then the spellcaster finds these changes. I guess I do this stigma branch, then the spirit branch. Now if memory does not deceive me I have 12 slots available stigma and then the first 8 slots will be occupied by the following skills:
Spirit burn to Ashes/Explosion I, Spirit Recovery, Weaken Spirit, Spirit Substitution, Summon Cyclon Servant, Spirit Ruinous Offensive, Healing Spirit, Armor Spirit.
These are the skills that are inserted in the order described. There are 4 slots left available and any SM the first thing it inserts are:
fear shriek and sigil of silence
Now i have 10/12 slot occupied and like sm i can put 2 of these 4 skill stigma:
Soul torrent, Cloaking Word, Body Root, Cyclon of Wrath and last skill, but i don't consider it earthen call I. Sm in this situation don't use Earthen call and Cyclon of Wrath and can use body root, but he lost damage of soul torrent, Cloaking Word it is support skill for some situation and above all to avoid the aggro of mobs so you use Cloaking word and Soul Torrent or Cloaking Word and Body Root. Regardless of this, being similar to a sorcerer, the Sm can avoid putting body root and inserts soul torrent, because it needs damage and moreover instantaneous. Now let's analyze the character as a whole, and this is evident to the naked eye, having lost some skills of the dot branch you lose the ability to make a cover silence in some situations, because:
Sorcerer to do cover has Flame infusion, Frost, Erosion, Gabe of flame, Curse of Weakness and then it uses Silence.
Instead SM with this branch has:
Root of renovation, erosion, Chain of Earth and then Silence, or other skill like Wing root, but I don't have some useful skills and especially snapshots that I can do the cover silence in an adequate way like Magic Implosion, which can be useful, but I have skills that need to be cast, in addition to the fact that already compared to a Sorcerer I am slower in casting. First problem that can be seen, so as you see, already first weak point against a player who knows how to use the sorcerer class, then we have sleep that lasts 20 seconds and I have to use replenish element to remove the altered state of sleep losing HP, then another problem, then we want to add more, let's talk about damage compared to a sorcerer with full DP 4000. Compared to the sorcerer I have a large number of lower skills to do significant AoE damage and moreover my DP is not damage per blow but a DoT that does damage in a prolonged way and can be dispelled by reducing damage compared to the 4000 DP skill of the group sorcerer that once castrated does heavy damage at that moment. What I want to point out is true that it earns the instant stun, every 5 minutes, and maybe a spirit burn to Ashes every minute, but it has problems in making cover at least instantly it has only one way with earth chain and erosion, otherwise it has no other ways and finally it does not have all the damage that allows the player to kill the enemies around in a few seconds but with the build a bit like it does The sorcerer with Elemental Ward, Wintry Armor gains survival in battle. Also individually we have less damage than a sorcerer wanting to consider some things that are essential, the sorcerer only to do frost and silence has done good damage on the enemy player, while the SM not even the shadow, so there is that when it hits it can do a minimum of damage, otherwise existing damage. Surely the Pet strikes, but the pet must be used intelligently, otherwise you risk staying over 20 meters of the sub and therefore the body at that juncture has no effect. Finally if you are not careful you oneshotano the spirit losing armor of the spirit and moreover armor of light / darkness so as you see requires management, ability to know how to use the class, otherwise you still have the difficulty. Only time I can do damnes and maybe oneshotta re and when I do the following combo, Spirit Erosion, Spirit Ruinous, Spirit Thunder Claw, Spirit Disturbance, Spirit Detonation Claw and final Weaken Spirit and Element Smash and in that moment i can kill player enemy, like sorcerer kill Renger in heather Hold, but sorcerer use Big magma eruption and fire fo magic power, or other combination with silence for oneshot player.