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About MaLvita

  • Birthday 01/02/1976

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  1. < OBOT >

    OBOT had its time ! We did great ! Now the legion disbanded ! Thx to all that help re-creating a legendary legion ! Cya all on server ! you can close this topic !
  2. < OBOT >

    Legion OBOT OBOT is recruiting players for the PvP content of the game. International Legion with just a few simple rules : 1. No drama ! 2. Have fun ! 3. Enjoy the game ! We are a very small Legion at the moment, but we are persistent and looking for growing and recruiting players ! We will not neglect the PvE content of the game, so in the near future we will focus on that aspect of the game aswell ! For now we recruit new players willing to learn about the game content and players familiar with Aion who are looking for fun, respect, teamwork and speding quality time on the server ! No Legion jumpers accepted, and once you left from the're gone for good ! PM ingame : Sohrana (BG) Cya on Battlefield !
  3. < OBOT >

    We are rebuilding the Legion from zero ! Everyone is welcome !
  4. < OBOT >

    <OBOT> is recruiting PvP|PvE players ! No drama, just have fun and enjoy the game ! Curently rebuilding.
  5. Verbal abuse

    Just thinking to low myself to your lvl, wich is very low, and explain to you what's going on.....makes me you even play on this server you fast typer waste of timer ?! You dont even know me how the fck can you state "the obvious" !! jeez kidd get a real life, get a dog get something....
  6. Verbal abuse

    Point is ....i am not bad at this game....i am better than the rest !! haters will always hate !!
  7. Verbal abuse

    OMFG are you for real Tia !? I remember you begging always for groups and alli...even crying for res in the eye !! And NO...sorry but i am very important for this server, for ely side !! You are all just a frustrated persons and i realy feel so sorry for you !! Keep the hate noobs !!! Haters will always hate !! This is ALL you can do !!
  8. Verbal abuse

    well shit !!!! mindblowing again.....i will just avoid you and ignore you....its better for mental state of mind....ppl like YOU are like a fckg black hole !!! you get suck right into it !!! and pls stay out of my post !! PS : you dont know me, so stop acting like you are insignificant as my toilet paper !!
  9. Verbal abuse

    well you are right in one matter : "Its a waste of time to report anything"....i will add : on this server !! It took you a lot of time to write that, point is i dont care about your oppinion, i can do what i want with my free time, including writing reports ! If you dont like it, well it's your problem, stay out from this reports ! Have fun...with w/e you doing on this server !
  10. Verbal abuse

    WoW...mindblowing !!! !! This is very confusing and frustrating !!! So i can just "vomite" whatever i want into w/per chat and dont get banned ?? Fact : You let a very shitty and rape propaganda legion name allowed, verbal abuse allowed, I even saw a nazi legion logo !! If this is your answear for everything "For this purpose you can add the player to your block list" I might even reconsider to play in here !! Have fun....
  11. Verbal abuse

    Data / time : 03.02.2020 / EOB time 19:30 Player name : Skysorc Screenshot attached !
  12. Nice legion name

    That's retarded ! I mean your reply ! Think of this : people are responsible for theire actions ! Virtual place or not, you are promoting what ? Do you even think ? I saw a player/forum member or whatever named >> "Azcrel big brain" >> she's taking size of this so called legion name ? I cound not wonder : where the fck is her brain ? She has a big one thou !!
  13. < OBOT >

    Legion <OBOT> OBOT is recruiting players for the PvP content of the game. International Legion with just a few simple rules : 1. No drama ! 2. Have fun ! 3. Enjoy the game ! We are a very small Legion at the moment, but we are persistent and looking for growing and recruiting players ! We will not neglect the PvE content of the game, so in the near future we will focus on that aspect of the game aswell ! For now we recruit new players willing to learn about the game content and players familiar with Aion who are looking for fun, respect, teamwork and speding quality time on the server ! No Legion jumpers accepted, and once you left from the're gone for good ! PM ingame : Sohrana (BG) , Owldawn (Deputy) Cya on Battlefield !