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Posts posted by Worstsin

  1. Bloodmark camps are fun - until you get your whole set. Then you never touch them again unless you make another character. I suggest adding Tempering Solutions and/or black enchantment stone sacks (a sack containing a black stone ranging from lvl 120-130) to the Windswept camp NPC who already sells mythical supplements. I understand from a GM's perspective, you would want people to work for their gear and not "give" them anything so the server can last longer. And to that end, I suggest making the Temperings from the camp to be untradeable as to not interfere with the current Tempering economy, and have them cost 600 or more bloodmarks so it takes at least a few weeks to get just 1. As for the black enchantment stone sacks, 200-300 bloodmarks should do for those. 


    1. Will entice more HIGH-LEVEL pvp in Kata/Dana, as currently it's filled with only nubzors getting their little bloodmark sets. The noobs will likely need to call upon higher levels to help fend people off. This will create the type of pvp dynamic most of us haven't experienced since retail. 

    2. Adds a different but equal method of obtaining these highly-sought after upgrade items.

    3. There will always be something to do aside from timed instances, sieges, etc.


    1. May retract from pvp in Tia Eye. The pvp there is already pretty pathetic for the size of the population, though. The Eye sees mainly low ranks trying to gather AP and the higher ranks just aren't interested in going there often. 

    2. Can't really think of any other downsides to this...