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Everything posted by Danechka

  1. [Works] Summer breeze

    Nickname: Danechka Race: Asmo
  2. [Works] Summer breeze

    Nickname: Danechka Race: Asmo After hard work in Udas, you deserve nice relax by the sea. \(★ω★)/
  3. Bot

    Ганнер непрерывно онлайн каждый день на этом месте, одинаковый цикл убийства мобов
  4. [Works] Happy Halloween!

    Faction: Asmodian Name: Danechka One time you kill - second you dead. Nobody know who will die on Halloween night.
  5. [Works] The best Moments with EuroAion!

    Name: Danechka Faction : Asmo Euro Aion in not only about EB or sieges, but experience with community, upgrading charcs, finding new friends and emothing.