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Showing most liked content on 11/01/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Yeah thank you, now fix 3v3 arenas where people can enter the arena and leave before the arena starts which gives the team remaining in the arena a default loss, because it's retarded. Be useful for once. -A tilted Euroaion player
  2. 1 point
    Argothon as much as I agree with your suggestion, I also think that the Admins should remove the Brigade General Potions from being usable in the Arenas. This is the item I'm talking about: http://aiondatabase.net/us/item/162000143/ I understand why people leave or pass on Arenas vs toxic people like you and Dagoma who abuse Brigade General Potions inside the Arenas, when it gets tough or you are losing. Not everyone can take fortresses and abuse those potions in Arenas and as long as guys like you have this unfair advantage you deserve to be dodged by everybody in my honest opinion. You guys think you are the best players in the world while you're abusing an error that should have never existed in this game. I agree that the rankings mean NOTHING as it is.