Support our project in the Aion TOPs
Our server participates in almost every possible ranking of Aion servers, including the most popular rating of online games in the CIS, which is MmoTop. In spite of the fact that our server is set in Europe, we have chosen this top list as the main. This is based on the understanding that massive driving up of the votes is possible in the other rankings. We cannot get to the higher positions in the TOP without your help! NO COINS ARE CREDITED FOR VOTES
SMS voting DOES NOT provide coins (we aren't interested in your investments for MmoTop). When voting it's necessary to provide ACCOUNT NAME (not character nickname).
Votes cheat is prohibited and is punished with ban on all accounts. VOTE RIGHT NOW   As it was mentioned earlier, we participate in other TOPs, but there's no reward for voting in them.
However, if you do want our project to develop successfully, support us!

Links for voting for us in the other TOPs: