As we know the voting for ecoins had been removed. Ecoins are important for example skins,feli socketing How about completing instances, quests giving ecoins now ? For example every blue quest give 1 ecoin but you must be 9 levels within quest level to get ecoin Dark blue 2 ecoins Pink quests 3 ecoins Campaign quests 5 ecoins Group/Ally quest 10/20 ecoins Chain quests such as daevanion lv 50 and 60 gives 200 ecoins upon completion. Mastered essencetapping and aethertapping gives 300 ecoins each Mastered any profession gives 300 ecoins This will active people to do all quests to get ecoins as much as possible and promote more crafters. Instance. Solo instance 5 ecoins upon completion. Group instances 10 ecoins Ally instances such as swb ,kata 15 ecoins People will starting group instances everywhere promote activities in server and make it alive and lower stones price. I see this is a great suggestion I don't see a reason why no